Indian Ocean (3rd Largest ocean) “Introduction, Marginal Seas, Geology, Bottom relief features, Surface Features, climatic condition, Hydrological Condition, Economic aspects”.

3 min readMar 1, 2021



The Indian Ocean, a body of saltwater, accounts for about one-fifth of the total area of ​​the world’s oceans. It is the smallest in the region, the smallest in geology, and the most complex in physics of the three oceans in the world. With an area of ​​3,340,000 square miles, it extends to more than 10,000 unpaved beaches including the southern tip of Africa and Australia. Indian ocean average depth is near about lies in 12990 feet and the lowest point in the Far Sunda Trench off the southern coast of the island of Java (Indonesia) is 24,442 feet. feet (7,450 meters).

Indian Ocean Bounded:-

The extension of the Indian Ocean is north to Iran, Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh; The Malay Peninsula, the former Sunda Islands of Indonesia and Australia; and extension in South Antarctica; And Africa and the Arabian Peninsula to the west. In the southwest, it connects with the Atlantic Ocean at the southern tip of southern Africa and to the east and most of the water with these parts of the Pacific Ocean.

location of the Indian Ocean on the Map
Fig 1: Indian Ocean

Limits of the Indian Ocean:

Defining the boundaries of the Indian Ocean is complex and remains a challenge. This is the clearest and most frequently agreed border with the Atlantic Ocean, extending from Cape Agoulias, on the southern tip of Africa, south of 20 ° E. to the coast of Antarctica. The southeastern border with Minch is usually drawn from the Southeastern Cape on the island of Tasmania south of the 147 ° E meridian. to Antarctica.

Bass Street, between Tasmania and Australia, is considered part of the Indian Ocean and other parts of the Pacific Ocean. The most difficult definition is the northeastern border. One of the most common routes flows northwest of Cape Londonderry in Australia through the Timor Sea, along the south coast of the Little Sunda Islands and Java, and then across the Sunda Strait to the river o Sumatra. The border between Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula is usually drawn beyond Singapore Street.

Indian Ocean: Marginal Seas:

The Indian Ocean has the lowest marginal ocean of the largest oceans. Inland to the north is the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf. The Arabian Sea is located in the northwest and the Andaman Sea to the northeast. The Great Aden and the Gulf of Oman are located in the northwest, the Gulf of Bengal in East India, and the Gulf of Australia on the south coast of Australia.

Marginal Sea
Fig 2: Marginal Sea

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“Indian Ocean (3rd largest ocean) Introduction, Marginal Sea, Geology, Bottom Relief Features, Surface Feature, Climate Condition, hydrology Condition & Economic Aspects”.




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